Key performance indicators (KPIs) for schools and trusts

Key financial performance indicators can be useful for making sure you're using resources effectively and achieving value for money. See examples of KPIs and how to use them alongside your school improvement plan (SIP) or strategic plan.

Last reviewed on 9 December 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2331
  1. KPIs are not mandatory
  2. Why KPIs can be useful
  3. Setting and monitoring other KPIs 
  4. School examples
  5. Multi-academy trust (MAT) examples

KPIs are not mandatory

The requirement for academy trusts to select key financial performance indicators was removed from the Academy Trust Handbook in 2023, and the DfE confirmed that KPIs are not mandatory for trusts.

There's no requirement for maintained schools to set financial KPIs.

Why KPIs can be useful

Setting financial KPIs can be an effective way to make sure you're:

  • Aligning your budget with your priorities
  • Using your resources effectively

Examples of KPIs you could use are:

  • Spending on particular areas as a percentage of total expenditure. For example, on:
    • Teaching staff
    • Supply staff
    • Premises
    • Teaching resources
    • Energy costs
  • In-year balance as a percentage of total income
  • Revenue reserves as a percentage of total income
  • Average teacher cost

Remember that everything your trust or school spends is about improving outcomes for pupils. KPIs can help you to demonstrate you’re providing value for money in