Subject reports: primary

Get advice on writing a subject leader report in primary school. See examples of subject reports from primary schools for core and non-core subjects.

Last reviewed on 28 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 7241
  1. Advice on writing reports
  2. English subject report
  3. Maths subject report
  4. Science subject report
  5. Foundation subject reports

Advice on writing reports

Timescales for subject reports

Aim to produce subject reports at least every 2 years.

You'll want to write them a little later in the year – usually no sooner than the beginning of the 2nd half of the autumn term. This will give you enough time to observe teaching and learning, and to collect data.

Produce reports for the right audience

Write them for your senior leadership team (SLT) and governors, not for Ofsted inspectors.

Inspectors might ask to see a subject report if you mention it when discussing how your subject is monitored, but they wouldn't explicitly request one.

What to include in a subject report

You'll want to have information about: 

Conclude your report by outlining