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  • Collection and walking home alone policies (primary) Find out what to include in your collection and walking home alone policy. See examples of policies from primary schools.
  • Attendance policy: model and examples Download and adapt our model attendance policy, or if you prefer to write or review your own, use our checklist setting out requirements and good practice. Share your policy highlights with parents using our handy summary letter.
  • Staff capability policy and procedures: model and examples Download and adapt our model staff capability policy, or use our checklist to make sure your own policy covers everything it should. Plus, see examples from a primary and a secondary school, as well as a multi-academy trust.
  • Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy: model, examples and guidance Adapt our model policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions, or use our checklist and some examples from schools, to make sure your policy is meeting requirements. Find guidance on how to support pupils with complex medical needs.
  • Charging and remissions policy: model and examples Save time and stay compliant by adapting our model charging and remissions policy. Alternatively, use our downloadable checklist to structure your policy and read tips on how to write your own.
  • School policies: consulting staff, unions and parents Learn what policies you should open a consultation on, and how to best consult with staff, unions and parents.
  • Teacher appraisal policy: model, checklist and examples Adapt our model appraisal policy to use in your school, or use our checklist to make sure your own policy covers everything it needs to. Also see examples of school policies covering appraisal of teachers' performance.
  • Child protection policy: model Make sure your child protection policy reflects Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023. If you previously adapted our model, use our summary of what's changed and why to help you decide what changes to make. If you have your own policy, use our checklist to make sure it covers everything it needs to.
  • SEND policy: model and examples Download and adapt our model SEND policy, or get help writing your own with our checklist and some examples from schools and trusts.
  • Teachers' pay policy: model and examples Download and adapt our model pay policy to suit your school's context, or use our checklist to make sure your policy complies with the STPCD. See examples of teachers' pay policies from a range of schools.
  • Working off-site: model policy Updated - Download and adapt our model policy, approved by lawyers and the NAHT, to set out your school's approach to working off-site (e.g. from home). Let your staff know what you expect and how you will support them.
  • Complaints procedure: model and examples Adapt our model complaints procedure to your school's context, and use our checklists to make sure you stay compliant.
  • Behaviour policy: model and examples Download and adapt our model behaviour policy, or if you prefer to write or review your own, use our checklist to make sure you're following requirements and good practice.
  • EYFS: home visits Find advice around conducting home visits in the EYFS, as well as examples of policies from other schools.
  • Admissions policy: model and examples Download and adapt our model admissions policy or use our admissions policy checklist, both of which meet the requirements of the School Admissions Code 2021. See example admissions policies from schools, trusts and a local authority.
  • Mobile phone policy: model and examples Adapt our model mobile phone policy to suit your school, or use our checklist to help you write your own. See examples of policies from other schools on the use of mobile phones by pupils, staff, parents/carers, visitors and volunteers.
  • Home-school communication policy: model and examples Download and adapt our model policy. Use it to set clear guidelines for staff and parents, and to give parents a list of contacts so they know the right member of staff to send their queries to.
  • Home-school agreement: model and examples You're not required to have a home-school agreement. If you'd like to use one, download and adapt our primary and secondary models and see examples from other schools, to set clear expectations and promote effective partnerships with your school community.
  • How to review your school uniform policy Follow these steps to make sure your uniform policy is inclusive and in line with the DfE's statutory guidance on uniform costs. Use our cost calculator, policy audit and consultation guidance to help make an effective policy which provides value for money.