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  • Ofsted pre-inspection checklist and reminders You've received the call from Ofsted that you’re going to be inspected. Download our checklist for headteachers to see what to prepare before they arrive, and share reminders and support with the rest of your staff.
  • How Ofsted inspects 'behaviour and attitudes' Learn how Ofsted inspects 'behaviour and attitudes' in a graded inspection under the Ofsted inspection framework. This judgement covers behaviour, attendance, exclusion and attitudes to learning.
  • Questions Ofsted might ask you based on your subject Get a handle on what Ofsted could ask you and your colleagues about a subject during a 'deep dive', all in one place. See what inspectors could ask about art, computing, English, geography, history, maths, modern foreign languages, PE, PSHE, and science.
  • Ofsted changes for the 2023/24 academic year: summary Be clear on the changes Ofsted has made to its inspection handbook for September 2023, so you can keep on top of what's new.
  • Self-evaluation form (SEF): checklists and template Use our checklists to help you evaluate your school against the Ofsted framework. Download our template SEF, which includes Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and post-16 provision. Plan monitoring activities, plus see examples of SEFs from a range of schools.
  • School policies: what Ofsted is looking for Ofsted inspectors won't grade your policies, but they'll want to know how you're implementing them. Find out what inspectors would want to see from your school.
  • Ofsted 'summary evaluations' of trusts: explainer Summary evaluations are Ofsted's approach to gathering findings about a trust. Find out what happens at each stage of the process, what Ofsted will expect of you and your leadership team and what it's likely to consider.
    For Trust Leaders
  • How to keep governors Ofsted-ready Update your board regularly on what's going on in your school. If governors are up to speed, they'll feel more ready for an Ofsted inspection. Share our list of questions so they know what inspectors might ask them.
  • How Ofsted inspects your curriculum Ofsted's 'quality of education' measure puts your curriculum in the spotlight. Understand how inspectors will judge your intent, implementation and impact, and the evidence they'll consider. Also see what's changed now that the transition period has ended.
  • Ofsted review of sexual abuse in schools: summary Be clear on the key findings from Ofsted's sexual abuse review, and what it recommends you should do, so you can get up to speed.
  • Your step-by-step guide to a graded Ofsted inspection Find out what happens before, during and after a graded Ofsted inspection under the current framework, and understand what's expected of you at each step.
  • Ofsted inspection staff briefing Download our briefing presentation and handout to prepare your staff for an Ofsted inspection. Help them feel confident and know what to expect when the call comes, on the day and afterwards.
  • How Ofsted inspects 'personal development' Learn how 'personal development' is inspected under the Ofsted framework, including how SMSC development is considered. Download our list of questions inspectors might ask, including ones about British values.
  • How Ofsted gathers evidence about pupil experience Understand how Ofsted will learn about and evaluate pupil experiences of your school, including which pupil groups and topics they're likely to focus on.
  • Frequency of Ofsted inspections Find out how often Ofsted inspects schools and get an idea of when your next inspection will be.
  • Ofsted: latest updates Updated - Stay up to date with all things Ofsted.
  • Ofsted inspection: curriculum FAQs Not sure how Ofsted will inspect your curriculum? Get answers to frequently asked questions under the 2019 framework.
  • Ofsted mythbuster Can headteachers join deep dives? Do schools need a certain level of staff absence to be granted a deferral? Read our mythbuster to get clarity on a range of questions about how Ofsted inspects your school.
  • How Ofsted inspects governance Get to grips with how governance is inspected under the Ofsted framework, and the role of governors on inspection day.
  • How Ofsted inspects sixth forms Understand how Ofsted will inspect sixth form provision under the 2023 framework.