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  • PSHE policy: model and examples Download and adapt our template if you want a personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) policy. Plus, see examples from schools to help you write your own.
  • Teaching PSHE in primary school Find examples of resources for primary PSHE, including schemes of work, progression grids, and an example from a school. Understand how to plan your PSHE offer with examples of action plans and advice about timetabling.
  • Questions Ofsted might ask you based on your subject Get a handle on what Ofsted could ask you and your colleagues about a subject during a 'deep dive', all in one place. See what inspectors could ask about art, computing, English, geography, history, maths, modern foreign languages, PE, PSHE, and science.
  • No smoking/vaping policy: examples Find examples of no smoking policies (including vaping) from primary, secondary and special schools. Develop and review your whole-school policy, to set out your approach to smoking and vaping.
  • Curriculum requirements: maintained schools All maintained schools must follow the National Curriculum. If you're reviewing or updating your curriculum, find out what you need to cover to stay compliant with requirements and meet DfE expectations.
  • Approaches to teaching core life skills (secondary) Build core life skills into your curriculum to help prepare your pupils for the next stage of their lives. Find out about different approaches to do this, and how you might measure the impact of teaching these skills.
  • Curriculum requirements: academies If you're reviewing or updating your curriculum, find out what you need to cover to stay compliant with requirements and meet DfE expectations.
  • Allergy awareness: involving your community Get everyone on board with your approach to keeping pupils with allergies safe in school. Find letters, a factsheet and resources aimed at building support and cooperation among pupils, parents and staff.
  • Progression grids: primary Progression grids can help teachers understand what progress looks like for their pupils. Have a look at these examples of subject and skills progression grids to help you develop your own.
  • The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) in schools Schools are required to comply with the PSED. Understand what that means and find out the information your school could publish to demonstrate compliance. You can also see examples from primary, secondary and special schools.
  • Equality information and objectives: model policy and examples Use our model equality policy document and guidance on writing objectives to help you comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).
  • How to prevent child-on-child abuse Understand what child-on-child abuse is and steps you can take to reduce the risk of it happening in your school. Find guidance and resources, and know where to go for extra support.
  • Wellbeing: pupil questionnaires Use these age-adaptable questionnaires to survey your pupils on their wellbeing, so you can identify and address areas of concern. Topics covered include bullying, depression and low mood, self-esteem, and equality and inclusion.
  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development policies SMSC policies allow you to meet the spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs of your pupils. See examples of SMSC policies from primary, secondary and special schools.
  • Talking to pupils about sexism, sexual harassment and assault It can be tricky to talk to pupils about sensitive topics. Use our guidance to set up discussion groups and get honest reflections from your pupils – it’s one step towards tackling sexism and sexual harassment in your school.
  • Careers guidance policy: model and examples Understand what information you must publish about your careers provision, and download and adapt our model policy to help you stay compliant. Plus, see example policies from secondary and special schools.
  • Menopause policy: model, examples and guidance Use our model policy to set out your school's commitment to supporting staff impacted by the menopause, including the reasonable adjustments you may need to make for them. See examples of other school policies, and advice on how to reduce stigma around the menopause in your school.
  • Curriculum audit: gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity Use our curriculum audit to help develop inclusivity, and question and adapt what you’re teaching so your curriculum represents the diversity of gender and sexuality in modern Britain.
  • Progression grids: Key Stage 3 Find out what good progress looks like in your subject. See examples of KS3 progression grids from schools to help you develop your own. You'll also find links to grids published by subject associations.
  • Self-harm: policies and guidance Self-harm is a sensitive issue, and it can be difficult to know how to support pupils at risk of self-injury. Find policies from schools, template risk assessments, and flow charts outlining the process for dealing with incidents.