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  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development policies SMSC policies allow you to meet the spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs of your pupils. See examples of SMSC policies from primary, secondary and special schools.
  • SMSC: definition, requirements and best practice Understand how spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is defined and what the statutory requirements are. Download our tool to audit your provision and see examples of best practice from other schools.
  • How Ofsted inspects 'personal development' Learn how 'personal development' is inspected under the Ofsted framework, including how SMSC development is considered. Download our list of questions inspectors might ask, including ones about British values.
  • Cultural capital: how to weave it into your curriculum Find out how to make sure your cultural capital offering reflects your school values and community. See examples of how primary, secondary and special schools are weaving cultural capital into their curriculum and get tips on organising activities.
  • How to promote British values across your school Get tips on how best to incorporate British values into your school, both through the curriculum and holistically through your wider culture, vision and ethos. Download our list of questions to help you review your current approach.
  • British values statements on school websites Find out how you can use a British values statement on your website to set out a meaningful commitment for your school community.
  • Curriculum requirements: academies If you're reviewing or updating your curriculum, find out what you need to cover to stay compliant with requirements and meet DfE expectations.
  • Curriculum requirements: maintained schools All maintained schools must follow the National Curriculum. If you're reviewing or updating your curriculum, find out what you need to cover to stay compliant with requirements and meet DfE expectations.
  • Parent View: questionnaire content and next steps Find out what Ofsted asks parents in its Parent View questionnaire and what happens if it identifies apparent issues. Learn how you can use the data to drive improvement in your school and explore our resources for helping you address negative feedback.
  • Daily collective worship: requirements and guidance Find out about your requirements for providing collective worship and how to go about holding it. Be clear on whether pupils and teachers can choose not to attend.
  • Section 48 inspections If your school has a designated religious character, you'll receive section 48 inspections on top of standard Ofsted inspections. Be clear on what these inspections are and how they work, so you can be confident in what to expect.
  • Staff handbook: guidance and examples Save yourself time by reading what to include in your staff handbook, and using our examples from schools for inspiration.
  • Subject reports: primary Get advice on writing a subject leader report in primary school. See examples of subject reports from primary schools for core and non-core subjects.
  • Computing policies (primary) See examples of computing policies from a range of schools to inspire you when writing your own.
  • The Prevent duty: your responsibilities All schools must comply with the Prevent duty. Understand your responsibilities and why staff training should be tailored to your school's context. Plus, learn how Ofsted inspects the Prevent duty.
  • Looked-after children policies Find examples of policies on the education of looked-after children (LAC) and previously LAC from primary, secondary and special schools.