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  • Parent code of conduct: model and examples Use our model parent code of conduct to set clear expectations and guidelines on appropriate behaviour. See examples from schools to help you develop your own.
  • Staff dress codes: guidance and examples Read advice on whether you need a staff dress code and what it should include. Use examples of staff dress codes from primary, secondary and special schools to help you create your own.
  • Volunteer policy: model and examples Adapt our model volunteer policy, which includes a volunteer code of conduct and application form, to suit your school. See examples of volunteer policies from other schools.
  • Childcare disqualification requirements Understand childcare disqualification, who it applies to and how to conduct a disqualification check.
  • How to conduct an effective survey Use our step-by-step guide and grab-and-go statement banks to save time and get the insights you need from parents, pupils and staff.
  • Pupil-led work scrutinies: guidance and example questions Find out how to conduct a successful pupil-led work scrutiny. Download our examples of questions to help staff embed pupil voice into the process.
  • Staff disciplinary procedures: model and examples Download and adapt our model staff disciplinary procedures, or review your own with our checklist of what to include. See examples of policies from other schools and academy trusts.
  • Support staff: performance management You're not required to conduct formal appraisals for school support staff including teaching assistants (TAs), but it is good practice. Read guidance on how to manage this process, including appointing appraisers and handling underperformance.
  • How to run welfare checks for school staff Know how to conduct wellbeing checks with your staff so you can effectively provide support and respond to any problems they have. Download our list of discussion questions to help you prepare.
  • Adding a school to your MAT: resource toolkit Use our downloadable resources to assess your capacity to grow and to conduct thorough due diligence on each joining school.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Alcohol at staff parties It’s up to you to decide whether staff can drink alcohol at social events such as Christmas parties. Take a look at some of the things to consider, and see how other schools approach this issue.
  • Annual reviews of EHC plans: guidance and process Find out about the requirements for reviewing education, health and care (EHC) plans, including who should conduct the review in your school and how to carry it out. Plus, see examples of local authority guidance and templates.
  • Staff handbook: guidance and examples Save yourself time by reading what to include in your staff handbook, and using our examples from schools for inspiration.
  • EYFS: home visits Find advice around conducting home visits in the EYFS, as well as examples of policies from other schools.
  • Staff grievance policy and procedures: model and examples Download our model grievance procedure and adapt it to your context, and see examples of grievance procedures from primary schools, secondary schools and trusts.
  • Social media policy: model and examples Adapt our social media policy template to set out the rules for your school's official social media use, and make sure staff, pupils, parents and carers understand your expectations on how to interact appropriately online. See examples of policies from other schools.
  • SEND Code of Practice: a summary Read our summary to help you comply with the SEND Code of Practice. Find out how the EHC assessment process works, and share our handout with staff to help them understand their responsibilities under the code.
  • Managing mobile phone usage in school Get to grips with DfE guidance on managing mobile phone usage in school, and adapt our template letters to parents/carers to let them know about any changes to your policy and approach.
  • Budget management in MATs Setting and managing budgets across the schools in your multi-academy trust (MAT) can be difficult. We look at how to do this effectively, including advice on effective delegation, conducting meetings, and budget forecasting.
    For Trust Leaders