Assessing staff phonics knowledge: audit and resources

Download and share our subject knowledge audit with staff, and find further resources to help you assess your staff's understanding of phonics.

Last reviewed on 16 November 2021
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1235
  1. Share our subject knowledge audit with staff  
  2. Check if staff understand key terms 
  3. Example phonics audit from an education consultancy 
  4. Next steps 

Share our subject knowledge audit with staff  

Use it to get an idea of their confidence in teaching phonics, and where they might need more support. You may want to add further rows of questions, depending on your school’s context. 

KeyDoc: staff knowledge audit (phonics) DOCX, 106.4 KB

Our associate education expert Nina Siddall-Ward helped us create it.

Check if staff understand key terms 

The PhonicsPlay website has a glossary with definitions of some of the most commonly used terms in teaching phonics. Refer to it when assessing phonics knowledge among your staff.

Example phonics audit from an education consultancy 

Use this self-assessment form from Emma Rogers Education, an education consultancy, to help you audit phonics provision and identify key priorities.

Please note that its inclusion here doesn't constitute an endorsement from The Key. 

See examples of strategic plans from schools with phonics-related aims and get your head around approved phonics teaching