Ofsted inspection staff briefing

Download our briefing presentation and handout to prepare your staff for an Ofsted inspection. Help them feel confident and know what to expect when the call comes, on the day and afterwards.

Last reviewed on 8 January 2025See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46352
  1. Keep wellbeing at the forefront of your mind
  2. Download our staff briefing
  3. Prepare for inspection using our Ofsted content

Keep wellbeing at the forefront of your mind

Remind staff of the focus of the inspection, and that they're not being inspected as individuals. Make it clear that they should keep doing what they’re doing.

Signpost your own wellbeing resources, as even discussing Ofsted can be a difficult experience.

Download our staff briefing


Adapt the yellow highlighted parts to suit your school's context.

Use the presentation in a whole-staff CPD session – you'll want to deliver it to all staff, as everyone is affected by the presence of inspectors.

Staff briefing: Ofsted inspection PPTX, 160.1 KB

Use our Ofsted mythbuster to help you answer any questions at the end of the staff briefing. 

Facilitator notes

Use these facilitator notes as your step-by-step guide to preparing for and delivering this briefing.

Staff briefing: Ofsted inspection – facilitator notes DOCX, 1.9 MB

Provide the handout to staff when you know an inspection is imminent, or as a