How to escalate staff wellbeing concerns

As a line manager, find out how and when to escalate wellbeing concerns about your staff, so you can effectively support them at school.

Last reviewed on 15 February 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 42029
  1. Wellbeing concerns you might come across, and how to spot them 
  2. How to approach a concern
  3. 'Escalating' a concern doesn't necessarily mean reporting to senior staff
  4. Only share concerns with those who need to know
  5. Download and share our wellbeing resources with staff members

Wellbeing concerns you might come across, and how to spot them 

Your staff may face a range of wellbeing issues, including: 

  • Stress
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Personal issues, such as bereavement, relationship troubles and family matters
  • Financial worries

What to look out for

You may have: 

Take all wellbeing concerns seriously

As a line manager, it's your responsibility to listen without judgement to any concerns your staff have and take them seriously.

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