Headteacher pay progression

Understand how headteacher pay is determined and see an example pay progression policy.

Last reviewed on 19 October 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 43709
  1. Headteacher pay progression is decided by the ‘relevant body’
  2. Pay decisions must be linked to performance
  3. See an example pay progression policy
  4. Learn how leadership pay is determined 

The rules for determining headteacher pay are set out in the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD).

The STPCD applies to headteachers whose employment transferred to an academy at the point of conversion and whose terms have not since been renegotiated

Your school may choose to follow the STPCD when setting pay and conditions for new headteachers, but it doesn't have to. Schools that don't follow the STPCD should consult their contracts and pay policies for details of how headteacher pay should be determined.

Headteacher pay progression is decided by the ‘relevant body’

The relevant body must consider annually whether or not (and by how much) to increase the headteacher’s salary, as long as the headteacher has been employed for a full year since the previous pay decision was made.

This is outlined