Payments for overtime and out-of-school-hours activities

Teachers and support staff can receive additional payment for working extra hours, including taking part in pupils' additional learning activities. Understand the guidance and how to calculate daily and hourly rates.

Last reviewed on 1 November 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2567
  1. Additional payments must be approved by your governing board
  2. Your pay policy should cover additional payments for out-of-school hours
  3. Decide on an hourly, daily or flat rate of pay
  4. Communicate your policy clearly and apply it consistently
  5. Support staff may qualify for an enhanced hourly rate
  6. Your senior leadership team (SLT) can also receive additional pay

Note: this article is about additional payments. Read our other article for information about teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments, including TLR3 payments for coronavirus catch-up tutoring.

Additional payments must be approved by your governing board

This applies to teachers employed under the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) – meaning teachers in maintained schools, and teachers in academies whose employment transferred at the point of conversion.

The relevant body – usually the governing board – can make additional payments to teachers for:

Governing boards can agree payments as they see fit, but can't use the reasons listed above to agree additional payments for