Staff appraisal and capability: requirements and guidance

Get an overview of your requirements for appraising teachers and support staff, and see a case study of a staff-led approach to teacher appraisal.

Last reviewed on 26 January 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46013
  1. You're free to determine your appraisal arrangements
  2. You must have a capability policy 
  3. Case study: staff-led approach to appraisals (primary school)

The following applies to academies, free schools and independent schools.

You're free to determine your appraisal arrangements

There are no requirements for how you carry out appraisal for teachers or support staff.

Check your appraisal policy (if you have one) to find out what your arrangements are.

The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) advises that you should have mid-year appraisals as well as end-of-year ones, but this will depend on your policy. 

Take a look at our model teacher appraisal policy for support in writing your own – it's written for maintained schools, but you may still find it useful. 

Find guidance too on appraisals for support staff if you carry these out, including:

You must have