Teacher appraisal reports: template and guidance

Understand what teacher appraisal reports need to contain and how to complete them, and download our template report to use to review your teachers' progress and objectives.

Last reviewed on 3 November 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45615
  1. Use our template appraisal report to review teachers’ progress
  2. You're free to determine your own appraisal arrangements
  3. How to complete your appraisal reports

Use our template appraisal report to review teachers’ progress

KeyDoc: teacher appraisal report template (academies) DOC, 212.0 KB

Our template reflects:

Using the template for senior leaders

When adapting the template for SLT teachers, you should include:

  • An objective on leadership
  • Some reference to how the objectives link to the wider school and the school's improvement plan

Get more information on performance objectives for senior leaders.

You're free to determine your own appraisal arrangements

There are no set format or requirements for a teacher's written appraisal report.

Adapt our template to your trust's requirements for appraisal reports. It may require a specific format or for you to include certain information.

Make sure that you follow your school or trust's appraisal policy.

If you're conducting the appraisal,