Set appropriate objectives, and don’t overload your staff
Be mindful not to set more objectives than a person needs - generally, 3 is enough. You can then set objectives that best suit your school improvement priorities and the skills and experience of the individual.
Use the objectives to show a phase leader's continuing professional development (CPD) in:
- Phase leadership
- Teaching and learning responsibilities
- Running successful meetings
- Planning improvements to pupil progress
- Lesson observations
- Successful self-evaluation
If you're not sure how to get started, read our guide to writing 'SMART' performance objectives.
Phase leader: performance objectives
Our associate education expert, David Roche, suggested these performance objectives for phase leaders.
Objective: pupil progress
The phase leader will have implemented and monitored strategies to increase the percentage of pupils making an agreed amount of progress in English and maths by the end of the phase.
Success criteria:
Monitoring arrangements and