Headteacher: performance objectives

Take a look at examples of performance objectives for a primary or secondary headteacher, for areas such as raising attainment and developing community cohesion.

Last reviewed on 23 March 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44410
  1. Raising attainment 
  2. Consistency in teaching standards 
  3. Consistency of policies and strategies
  4. School community cohesion 
  5. New headteachers: you might be set additional objectives
  6. Retiring headteachers: you might be set an objective to help plan for the future

Below are some sample performance objectives for different areas of a secondary headteacher’s work, along with success criteria, monitoring arrangements and evidence sources that could be used to evaluate progress for each. 

The objectives that are set for you as headteacher should be tailored to you, and to your school’s context.

Raising attainment 


To develop, implement and monitor effective strategies to raise attainment at Key Stages (KS) 4 and/or 5.

Success criteria

  • Strategies presented to governors, implemented and monitored
  • Scrutiny of teachers’ planning shows that strategies have been adopted, and that the work provided is always suitably challenging
  • Attainment of 5+ GCSEs at grades 5 to 9 has increased by September 20xx
  • Attainment progress measure has increased by September 20xx
  • Attainment of A* to C grades at A-level has increased by September 20xx

Actions and strategies have been incorporated into the school development plan Department leads have incorporated actions and strategies into their development