Caretakers/site managers: performance management

Read guidance on setting objectives and carrying out appraisal for caretakers and school site managers.

Last reviewed on 31 January 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3927
  1. Do an annual appraisal
  2. Ask staff to assess their own performance
  3. Set school-specific and personal objectives
  4. Refer to their job description

Do an annual appraisal

While there's no requirement to hold formal appraisal procedures for caretakers/site managers, it's good practice to have them in place for all staff. This is because they:

  • Give the employer and the employee a chance to discuss the employee's work
  • Allow the member of staff to raise any issues that may otherwise go unmentioned
  • Treat all members of staff equally by providing access to the same appraisal processes and opportunities

An adviser from the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) told us this.

There may be local requirements about how you should appraise your support staff. Check with your local authority, and read our guidance on performance management for support staff for more details.

Ask staff to assess their own performance

Ask your caretaker/site manager to consider how they've performed against their objectives over the last year ahead of a performance review meeting. 

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