Teacher: interview questions and tasks

Download and adapt our example interview questions and tasks for a classroom teacher. You'll find both general questions and tailored questions for primary and secondary schools, as well as tasks that test lesson planning and classroom skills.

Last reviewed on 26 April 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: Primary, Secondary, 16 PlusRef: 2329
  1. Choose from our list of interview questions
  2. Download and adapt our example tasks

Choose from our list of interview questions

Here's a list of questions that are suitable for any teaching post, plus tips on what to look for in answers.

You'll find:

  • General questions for any school types 
  • Tailored questions for primary and secondary schools 
  • Role-specific and safeguarding questions 

Use this template during the interview to record and evidence-score your candidates' responses.

KeyDoc: teacher interview questions and record sheet DOC, 216.5 KB

Include additional questions for leadership roles

If your post also involves middle leadership responsibilities, use our interactive interview questions and tasks tool to help you tailor the interview to the specific responsibilities set out in the job description.

Download and adapt our example tasks

Choose the task that's most appropriate to the role you're hiring for:

  • Create a lesson plan
  • Deliver a lesson 
  • Deliver a presentation 
  • Interact with pupils 

A summary of each task, including what skills it tests  Key points to look for in the candidate's response  What you need