Upper pay range (UPR): additional responsibilities

Find out about your requirements around having teachers on the upper pay range (UPR) take on additional responsibilities, including rules around payments.

Last reviewed on 14 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2851
  1. Additional responsibilities aren't necessary for the UPR 
  2. TLR payments should be awarded for additional responsibilities 

Additional responsibilities aren't necessary for the UPR 

The School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) doesn't specify that teachers must take on additional responsibilities while they're on the upper pay range (UPR).

The criteria for the UPR are performance-related (as outlined in paragraph 15.2 of the STPCD). To qualify for the UPR, a teacher must:

  • Be highly competent in all elements of the relevant standards, and
  • Make achievements and contributions to your educational setting that are substantial and sustained

This criteria doesn't involve additional responsibilities beyond teaching duties. For more details, see our article on criteria and applications for the UPR.

The STPCD applies to teachers in maintained schools, and teachers whose employment transferred to an academy at the point of conversion.

TLR payments should be awarded for additional