Data protection: model privacy notices

Use our model privacy notices to keep yours up to date with the latest regulations and guidance. They’ll save you time and help you stay compliant with this complex area.

Last reviewed on 18 December 2023See updates
Ref: 41712
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Independent schools
Sixth-form colleges
Further education
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Download our model privacy notices 
  2. How to issue your privacy notices

Download our model privacy notices 

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), you're required to provide certain information to data subjects, typically through a privacy notice. Some schools refer to this document as a 'fair processing notice' instead.

The models below cover all of the groups of people you're most likely to hold personal data for. If you hold data on any other groups, choose the most applicable notice and adapt it accordingly. 

Model privacy notice: use of children's data DOC, 275.0 KB
Model privacy notice: parents' and carers' data DOC, 263.0 KB
Model privacy notice: pupils DOC, 266.0 KB
Model privacy notice: school workforce DOC, 261.0 KB
Model privacy notice: job applicants DOC, 261.0 KB
Model privacy notice: governors/trustees and volunteers DOC, 263.0 KB
Model privacy notice: visitors DOC, 262.0 KB
Model privacy notice: suppliers DOC, 260.0 KB
Model privacy notice: alumni DOC, 262.5 KB

The DfE's guidance and model notices for schools The Information Commissioner's Office's (ICO) guide to the UK GDPR  Advice from Forbes Solicitors and our associate experts Helen Cooper, Graeme Hornsby and