Pay award for teachers in 2023

Find the pay ranges from the STPCD all in 1 place, including the teacher pay ranges and teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments for 2023/24. Be clear on how to apply them, and download our cheat sheet to keep the information on hand.

Last reviewed on 11 December 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3598
  1. Pay ranges for 2023/4
  2. Additional allowances
  3. Download and share our cheat sheet
  4. What are my next steps?

Pay ranges for 2023/4

There's at least a 6.5% increase across all pay ranges.

This means that all qualified teachers will have a starting salary of at least £30,000

All pay rises will be back dated to 1 September 2023.

There are currently no statutory pay points within pay ranges, but you can use the advisory points for the main (MPR) and upper (UPR) pay ranges in Annex 3 (page 63) to help you review your pay policy.

Unqualified, main (MPR), upper (UPR) and leading practitioner pay ranges

Pay rangeEngland (excluding London area)Inner London areaOuter London areaFringe area
Unqualified teacher range    

































Leading practitioner range    











These are set out on pages 20 to 23 of the 2023 School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD 2023).

Leadership pay ranges

Annual salaryEngland (excluding the London area)Inner London areaOuter London areaFringe area

Find the pay ranges for the

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