Presenting your budget to governors: templates

Keep your governors fully informed about your budget planning and decision-making with our downloadable templates. You'll find a detailed budget planner, and a planning report that will help you explain your budget planning decisions.

Last reviewed on 7 February 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8853
  1. Governors will scrutinise your budget before they approve it
  2. Download our budget planning and reporting templates

Governors will scrutinise your budget before they approve it

They're required to check that you're managing resources and finances effectively.

This usually takes place at 2 levels (depending on the governance structure at your school/trust):

  • Finance committee – where governors look at your budget projection and report in detail
  • Full governing board – where the chair of the finance committee recommends the budget for approval to the board, following the detailed scrutiny by the committee 

Download our budget planning and reporting templates

Detailed budget planner

Use this to present your income and expenditure in detail:

KeyDoc: detailed budget planner XLSX, 57.1 KB

Note: this is the same spreadsheet as in our budget planning article – if you've already filled it in, go straight to the report template below. It's also worth checking with your local authority (LA) or trust in case it has budget planning tools it would prefer you to use.

Space to set out detailed budget planning for the next