Evaluate your subject/department: SEF checklist

Download and adapt our checklist to evaluate the effectiveness of your subject or department. It's divided into the Ofsted framework's judgements, and is designed to work alongside our curriculum evaluation tools.

Last reviewed on 6 August 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 42385
  1. Primary schools: download our SEF checklist
  2. Secondary schools: download our SEF checklist
  3. Next steps

Primary schools: download our SEF checklist

KeyDoc: subject/department SEF checklist (primary) DOCX, 141.1 KB

Start with our self-evaluation form (SEF) checklist to get a broad sense of how your subject/department is doing.

Then, for a deeper review of your subject curriculum, complete our:

Secondary schools: download our SEF checklist

Start by completing the relevant curriculum intent audit for your subject:

Then, use our SEF checklist to look at your curriculum implementation and other areas of your subject/department.

KeyDoc: subject/department SEF checklist (secondary) DOCX, 144.1 KB

Next steps

Once you've evaluated your subject/department, you can begin to work on your subject improvement plan.