This article is for you if you're creating a department/subject action plan. Before you start, you should identify its strengths and weaknesses by carrying out an audit – find out how to do this in our article on evaluating your department and use our self-evaluation form (SEF) checklist.
If you're a primary school, you can also find advice on action plans for reading and writing.
For advice and guidance on developing or updating a department/subject action plan in response to an Ofsted inspection, see our article on post-inspection action plans.
Download our template department/subject action plan
The context of your department, including its strengths and weaknesses – if you're a subject leader, work with your head of department here Your long-term plan over 2 to 3 years Your short-term priorities for the year Each priority in detail, including targets, actions to take (when and by whom), resources, success criteria, how it will be monitored