Skills and knowledge audit: history (primary)

Use our self-assessment and audit tools to understand your staff's level of confidence in teaching history, and get some ideas for how to develop their skills further.

Last reviewed on 14 October 2021
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 43437
  1. Ask staff to evaluate their own skills and knowledge
  2. Audit your current history teaching to find areas to develop

Ask staff to evaluate their own skills and knowledge

Download and modify our staff self-assessment tool and encourage all your teachers to fill it out.

This will give you a good understanding of how confident your staff are in teaching history, and help them reflect on their own levels of skills and knowledge.

The tool prompts staff to rate their confidence when it comes to:

  • The subject knowledge required in the National Curriculum
  • Key skills and concepts in history, such as:
    • Terminology and vocabulary
    • Using sources
    • Displays
    • Cause and effect
KeyDoc: staff self-assessment tool – history (primary) DOCX, 115.2 KB

Audit your current history teaching to find areas to develop

This set of questions helps you to identify where your teachers may need extra support in teaching history.

Their answers to the self-assessment tool (above) will help you to answer several of the questions in the curriculum audit.

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