Have confidence every staff member knows how to keep pupils safe, with our unique blend of eLearning, assessment, staff briefings, scenarios and factsheets. And our dedicated online safety resources are your go-to for assemblies, lesson plan packs, staff training and parent factsheets.
Editor's pick
Safeguarding and child protection INSET pack 2024/25
Use this ready-to-deliver pack to meet your team’s INSET safeguarding training needs. Updated with the latest KCSIE information, designed with adult learning in mind and with videos, scenarios and activities to keep your team engaged, your September INSET is sorted.
Train my staff
Most popular in Safeguarding
Online safety: the essentials
Equip all your staff and volunteers to help keep children safe online and meet your KCSIE requirements with this dedicated eLearning course.
Safeguarding and child protection: the essentials 2023/24
An ideal eLearning alternative to our full INSET pack, or for any staff members who miss INSET training or join mid-year.
Safeguarding for governance: training course
Governor-specific training in line with KCSIE, to help governors understand their role and responsibilities when it comes to safeguarding.
Get effective safeguarding training and comprehensive support, from The Key Safeguarding
So you can identify your team's knowledge gaps and plan training to plug them
Factsheets and briefings
Build understanding of key safeguarding issues as they emerge
Immersive real-world scenarios, to check your staff know what to do when a child needs their help
INSET pack
The most-loved pack on the market - up to date with KCSIE and redesigned each year
Training calendar
Recommended annual plan of safeguarding training, so you've got 'little and often' covered
Plus, get even more safeguarding support for your whole school, from across The Key:
Our biggest library of guidance, templates and checklists, model policies and more.
Effective eLearning, factsheets, scenarios and more, designed for your DSL and wider school community.
Anti-bullying: staff briefing
Instagram: parent factsheet
Resources and tools to help your board play its strategic role with confidence.