Reading: how to deliver high-quality teaching

Boost pupils' language development by finding out how to engage them in reading, vocabulary learning and verbal interaction, in line with the DfE's 2021 reading framework.

Last reviewed on 15 March 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44346
  1. Plan opportunities for interaction and repetition
  2. Engage pupils in back-and-forth interactions
  3. Make the most of storytime
  4. Help pupils keep up from the start

Plan opportunities for interaction and repetition

Teachers should consider:

  • What they want pupils to know and think about 
  • What vocabulary is associated with that knowledge and thinking 
  • How to engage pupils in back-and-forth talk that supports their knowledge and thinking 

Ahead of activities or visits, they should think about: 

  • What photos could be taken that would reinforce the vocabulary and language  
  • Which books they could read aloud and share before and afterwards 
  • Which songs they could use to introduce or reinforce the vocabulary 

See examples of the kind of vocabulary that might come up during a visit to a fire station and a woodland walk on pages 21 and 22 of the DfE's reading framework

Share and discuss pictures in non-fiction books 

For rich sources of vocabulary and knowledge, teachers should choose books about: 

The DfE suggests this on pages 22 and 23 of