What are the main changes?
- The term early career teacher (ECT) will replace newly qualified teacher (NQT)
- Induction for ECTs will last for 2 years (it's currently 1 year)
- ECTs will get a 5% timetable reduction in their second year of induction (they'll still get a 10% reduction in the first year, as they do now)
- Your school will be expected to deliver an induction programme that's underpinned by the Early Career Framework
- There's a new induction-linked role: induction mentors will support ECTs through induction (this is separate from the existing requirement to have an induction tutor)
- There will only be 2 formal assessment points - one midway through induction and one at the end (current arrangements require 3 formal assessments, usually one per term)
Read the full statutory guidance, and an overview of