Statement of behaviour principles: model and examples

Some schools are required to have a statement written by governors alongside their behaviour policy. See our template and examples from schools to help you figure out what this statement should look like.

Last reviewed on 29 August 2023
Ref: 41713
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Model policy from The Key
  2. Requirements
  3. What the statement should cover
  4. Examples from schools

Model policy from The Key

We have created a model behaviour policy, which includes a statement of behaviour principles in appendix 1.

Approved by Forbes Solicitors, this model policy is designed for you to adapt to suit your school’s context.

Model policy: behaviour (schools) DOC, 361.5 KB

For more model policies and complete policy support from The Key, go to Policy Expert


A statement of behaviour principles written by governors is required by all:

  • Maintained schools
  • Pupil referral units (PRUs)
  • Non-maintained special schools

Academies and free schools aren't required to have a statement of behaviour principles, but it's recommended that they do (see the section on behaviour).

 The principles must:

  • Guide the headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils
  • Be consulted upon with the headteacher, school staff, parents and pupils
  • Be published on your website
