Subject policy: model and examples

Download and adapt our subject model policy to reflect your school's approach to a specific subject. Also see examples from schools to help you write your own.

Last reviewed on 20 January 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45996
  1. Download our model policy
  2. Examples

Download our model policy

There's no requirement to have a policy for an individual subject in your curriculum, such as history, English or science, but you should consider putting them in place to:

  • Make sure your approach to teaching and assessment is consistent across your school
  • Let parents and carers know what topics their child will be covering in each subject
  • Help governors and inspectors review your curriculum

If you have a curriculum policy, your subject policies should be linked to it.

Model policy: subject policy DOC, 259.5 KB

Our policy template is:

  • Designed for you to adapt to suit your school's context
  • Approved by Forbes Solicitors


Primary maintained schools

St Matthew's Catholic Primary School, in Liverpool (see specific subject policies such as geography, maths and PE in the section 'Curriculum policies')

Churchfields Junior School, in London (see specific subject policies such as history, geography, French, etc)

Midfield Primary School, in Kent (click on a subject