Pupil allergy policy: model and examples

Allergy is one of the most common chronic conditions in children. Download and adapt our model policy to help make your school 'allergy aware' and see examples from other schools.

Last reviewed on 21 June 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41645
  1. Put procedures in place to minimise the risk to pupils
  2. Make your school 'allergen aware'
  3. Download our model policy 
  4. Examples of allergy policies

We worked with The Allergy Team to write this article.

Put procedures in place to minimise the risk to pupils

In the average classroom of 30 pupils, 1 or 2 of those children will have a food allergy.

A food allergy is an over-reaction of our immune system to certain types of food. A food intolerance is different to an allergy because it doesn't cause an immune response and is less serious.

Food allergies can vary in severity from mild to life-threatening. Dangerous allergic reactions are known as anaphylaxis and must be treated as a medical emergency. To treat anaphylaxis, you need to give an injection of adrenaline using an auto-injector (AAI).

Be particularly aware of individuals with known allergies, but also consider allergies as a risk to all pupils. This is because many children won't know they're allergic to something until they have a reaction.

Publish your allergy procedures on your school website.

You could:

Appoint an allergy lead

This should be a senior member of staff who takes lead responsibility for promoting and maintaining allergy awareness across your school community.

Make your school 'allergen aware'

Advocacy groups such as The Allergy Team and Allergy UK don’t support a total ban on allergens in schools. This is because:

  • It's almost impossible to enforce it
  • It's impractical to ban all allergens (for example, milk)
  • It can create a false sense of security

Instead of banning allergens, The Allergy Team recommends making your school 'allergen aware'.

Get more advice in out article on communicating with pupils and parents about allergies.

Download our model policy 

We worked with The Allergy Team to create this model policy that you can adapt to your context.

Approved by Forbes Solicitors, the policy takes into account relevant legislation, guidance and good practice.

Model policy: pupils with allergies

Examples of allergy policies