Premises hire policy: model and examples

Download and adapt our model lettings policy to help your school or trust generate additional income. Our model includes a hire request form.

Last reviewed on 25 July 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44531
  1. Download our model policy
  2. Examples from schools

Download our model policy

This policy is designed for academies to adapt to their context. It takes account of relevant requirements and good practice, and has been approved by Forbes Solicitors.

Multi-academy trusts: go to the 'trust leaders' tab above to access our model policy for multi-academy trusts.

Model policy: premises hire (schools) DOC, 275.5 KB

If you're a maintained school, speak to your local authority (LA) first about hiring out your premises. Your LA may have its own policy for you to use, or it can set specific rules for you to follow.

If you're a voluntary controlled, voluntary aided or foundation school, also speak to anyone else with a stake in your land (e.g. your diocese).

After you've done this, you may find our model helpful as a starting point, but be sure to adapt it in line with the conditions placed on you.

The policy