Gifts and hospitality policy: model and examples

Find our model policy and examples from schools to help you with writing your own policy.

Last reviewed on 14 November 2023
Ref: 41537
Statutory/mandatory for:
Free schools
  1. Download our model policy
  2. Is it a statutory policy?
  3. Considerations when writing your gifts and hospitality policy
  4. Teachers don’t pay tax on gifts from pupils
  5. See examples from schools

Download our model policy

Adapt it to suit your school’s context. 

It has been approved by Forbes Solicitors and includes a gifts and hospitality register.

Model policy: gifts and hospitality DOC, 271.0 KB

Is it a statutory policy?

A gifts and hospitality policy is not included in the DfE’s list of statutory policies.

However, we've marked this policy as 'statutory' for academies and free schools in our Policy Bank, because the Academy Trust Handbook (paragraph 5.32) says that academy trusts should have a policy and register on the acceptance of gifts which might be seen to compromise their judgement or integrity. 

We recommend you have one.

Considerations when writing your gifts and hospitality policy

Ask staff to declare gifts with a value over a certain amount

It’s not necessary to declare gifts that