Last reviewed on 30 November 2023
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 41614

See how other schools approach feedback, find out what Ofsted will expect when it comes to marking, and get links to further support.

There's no requirement for a marking or feedback policy

However, most schools do have one to make sure there's consistency across the school.

They typically include: 

  • Aims and principles of marking and feedback 
  • Type and frequency of feedback
  • Guidance for different departments or Key Stages
  • Who's responsible for monitoring marking and feedback 

Use the NEU feedback and marking policy checklist if you're looking to improve or rewrite your policy. It explicitly draws out that teachers should not have to complete detailed marking if they feel it's unnecessary. 

Write your policy to reduce teacher workload 

Use your policy to make sure marking and feedback:

The DfE has published a feedback and marking: school workload reduction toolkit. It includes a workshop you can run to reduce feedback and marking workload