Teaching and learning policy: model and examples

Adapt our model to help you set your own teaching and learning policy for your school or trust. Also see examples from primary, secondary and special schools.

Last reviewed on 27 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41600
  1. Download our model policy 
  2. Examples: primary schools
  3. Examples: secondary schools
  4. Example: special school

Download our model policy 

Please note: you're not required to have a teaching and learning policy, and Ofsted doesn't expect you to have one. However, setting a policy is a good way to clarify expectations and help ensure consistency across your school or trust.

Our model:

  • Takes account of relevant requirements, guidance and good practice
  • Is approved by Forbes Solicitors
  • Is easy to adapt to save you time
  • Can be adapted and set at school or trust-level

It covers: 

  • What good teaching and learning looks like
  • Roles and responsibilities of staff, pupils, parents/carers and governors to help make this happen 
  • How this ties into other policies you may have, such as curriculum, assessment, and marking and feedback policies
Model policy: teaching and learning DOC, 249.5 KB

Examples: primary schools

The school's aims Planning Differentiation The roles and responsibilities of staff, pupils, parents/carers and the wider community Teaching and