- Art, design and music policies (primary)
See examples of art, design and music policies from a wide range of schools to inspire you when writing your own policies for creative foundation subjects.
- Careers guidance policy: model and examples
Understand what information you must publish about your careers provision, and download and adapt our model policy to help you stay compliant. Plus, see example policies from secondary and special schools.
- Computing policies (primary)
See examples of computing policies from a range of schools to inspire you when writing your own.
- Curriculum policy: model and examples
Download and adapt our model curriculum policy. Plus, see examples from primary, secondary and special schools, and know where to go for more information on your requirements if you're an independent school.
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) policy: model
Download and adapt our model early years policy to help you write or review yours in line with the statutory procedures you must have for the EYFS, and the latest version of the EYFS framework.
- English, literacy and reading policy: model
Use our model to help you write your English, literacy and reading policy.
- Maths and numeracy policies
Find out what to include in your maths or numeracy policy. See examples of policies from primary, secondary and special schools.
- New EYFS framework comes into force from 1 September
We've updated our model policy to refer to the new framework - use it to help you prepare for the changes.
- PE policy (primary)
See examples of physical education (PE) policies from maintained primary schools and primary academies, and understand what you can include in a PE policy
- Provider access policy statement: model and guidance
Adapt our model to save time and stay compliant when writing or reviewing your provider access policy statement. Understand your requirements and see examples from other schools and trusts.
- PSHE policy: model and examples
Download and adapt our template if you want a personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) policy. Plus, see examples from schools to help you write your own.
- Reading and guided reading policies (primary)
Find out what to include in your reading, guided reading and early reading policies, and see examples from schools.
- Relationships and sex education (RSE) policy: model and examples
Download our model RSE policy to help you save time and stay compliant.
- RE policy: examples (primary)
See examples of RE policies from Church of England, Catholic and non-faith schools to find out how they organise RE teaching and learning.
- Science policies (primary)
Use these examples of science policies for inspiration if you're reviewing your own policy. Find examples from maintained primary schools and primary academies.
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development policies
SMSC policies allow you to meet the spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs of your pupils. See examples of SMSC policies from primary, secondary and special schools.
- Subject policy: model and examples
Download and adapt our subject model policy to reflect your school's approach to a specific subject. Also see examples from schools to help you write your own.