Improving behaviour: 'managed moves' and directing pupils off site

You can temporarily direct pupils with challenging behaviour off site. Alternatively, you can carry out a 'managed move' if the situation calls for a permanent change. Find out more about what both options involve and how you're expected to manage them.

Last reviewed on 22 August 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 6896
  1. What are off-site direction and 'managed moves'?
  2. What to consider before using them
  3. How to direct pupils off site
  4. What to consider ahead of a managed move
  5. If a managed move fails
  6. If the pupil doesn't attend the alternative provision setting

What are off-site direction and 'managed moves'?

Off-site direction

This is when a governing board of a maintained school requires a pupil to attend another education setting to improve their behaviour. Academies can also arrange off-site provision for this purpose under their general powers.

During the period of off-site direction:

  • The pupil might be in AP on a part-time schedule with continued mainstream schooling, or full-time for a limited period
  • The pupil must be dual-registered
  • The governing board must keep the placement under regular review

'Managed moves'

This is used to initiate a process leading to a permanent transfer of a pupil to another mainstream school, as part of a behaviour management process. Managed moves should be:

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