All sanctions must be 'lawful'
For a sanction to be considered lawful, it must:
- Not breach any other legislation (for example, in respect of disability, special educational needs (SEN), race and other equalities and human rights)
- Be reasonable in all the circumstances, and proportionate – you must take into account any relevant special circumstances, including the pupil's age, any SEN or disability they have, and any religious requirements affecting them
- Be sanctioned by a paid member of school staff or a member of staff authorised by the headteacher (for example, an adult volunteer)
- Be awarded on your school premises or while the pupil is under the lawful charge of a member of staff
Note: corporal punishment is illegal in all circumstances.
These requirements are outlined on page 18 of the DfE's guidance on behaviour in schools.
You can sanction pupils for poor behaviour outside of school premises
Happens online Occurs when taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity Occurs when