School uniform

Use our resources to help you comply with the new statutory guidance on school uniform and make sure you're securing best value for money for parents.

Last reviewed on 6 January 2022
Ref: 43791

Get to grips with your new requirements 

The DfE's new statutory guidance on school uniform requires you to make sure your school uniform costs are reasonable and secure best value for money for parents/carers. 

Find out your deadlines for meeting these requirements and further details on what you need to do, in our full guidance summary.

Review the cost of your uniform policy

Calculate the total cost of your uniform for parents and use our audit tool to spot where you can might be able to provide better value for money.

In the audit, you'll also find questions to help you consider whether your policy discriminates against groups with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. 

Update your policy and consult on the changes 

Once you've re-drafted your policy, put the changes to parents with our consultation guidance and prepare for questions

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