Parents and carers on school trips: guidance and templates

Use our template letter to help you recruit parent/carer volunteers for school trips. Find tips, and a downloadable guidance pack, to help you make sure they feel fully confident on the trip.

Last reviewed on 20 August 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45673
  1. You may need volunteers to make up numbers on school trips
  2. Download our template letter to recruit volunteers
  3. Fulfil your safeguarding responsibilities
  4. Adapt and share our guidance pack with parents and carers
  5. Top tips for effective volunteers
  6. See examples from schools

You may need volunteers to make up numbers on school trips

Use your risk assessment, and any guidelines set by your local authority or trust, to help you determine the adult to child ratio needed to carry out the trip safely. 

If you don't have enough staff, consider using parent or carer volunteers to meet the ratio you need. 

Download our template letter to recruit volunteers

Send out your request via email or through your parent/carer communication platform. 

KeyDoc: template trip letter to volunteer parents DOCX, 123.8 KB

Ask for help as early as possible to increase your chances of finding volunteers. 

If you run the same trips each year, consider sharing the request with all parents and carers at the start of the year or at parents/carers' evenings.

You and your staff will be best-placed to assess which parents/carers you think will be safe and competent. Decide based on