Making school meals more sustainable: case study

Find out the simple steps an award-winning school has taken towards making its school meals more sustainable, with advice on how you can do the same.

Last reviewed on 16 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 49233
  1. Small changes can make a big difference
  2. Take steps to reduce waste
  3. Try going ‘meat-free’ 1 day a week
  4. Buy seasonal ingredients from local suppliers
  5. Get pupils and parents/carers on board
  6. Incorporate sustainability into your curriculum
  7. Apply for an award
  8. Find more sustainability resources from The Key

Prospect House Specialist Support Primary School in Manchester is part of Prospere Learning Trust. It offers specialist support to children with very significant learning needs and other additional needs, aged 3 to 11 years-old.

The school is a winner of the ‘2023 sustainability star’ of Jamie Oliver’s Good School Food Awards. Learn more about how your school can enter the awards, further down this article (the next deadline is 24 March 2024).

We spoke to deputy headteacher Robin Anthony, and the trust’s head of catering Kay Brownlie, about how they achieved this.

Small changes can make a big difference

It’s also about changing the behaviours and mindsets of