Deploying TAs effectively: pupils with EHC plans

Some pupils with education, health and care (EHC) plans are entitled to 1:1 support from a teaching assistant (TA). This time is protected. Find out how to make the most effective use of TAs when supporting pupils with EHC plans.

Last reviewed on 14 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 33175
  1. Find out how much of your TA's time is protected
  2. Encourage independent learning
  3. Keep pupils in class as much as possible
  4. Provide time for co-ordination between the teacher and TA
  5. Invest in your TAs
  6. Find more information and resources 

Find out how much of your TA's time is protected

Look at the education, health and care (EHC) plan – this will specify:

  • The expected outcomes 
  • The provision to help your pupil meet those outcomes

Provision might include extra support given by an adult. It can be written in an EHC plan in different ways. For example:

Remember to keep TAs in a