How to help pupils with SEN contribute to their targets

Learn how to encourage pupils with SEN to be more involved in setting targets for their school-based plans or EHC plans. Download our pupil-friendly templates to record their views, and get tips on how to better include pupils in review meetings.

Last reviewed on 17 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 33020
  1. Review targets with pupils before each review meeting
  2. Use our pupil-friendly templates to record and track targets together
  3. Ask the pupil how they'd like to participate in the review meeting
  4. Set SMART targets
  5. Make sure everyone has access to the targets
  6. Embed pupil voice into school culture

You can apply the following advice when working on pupil targets for both school-based plans and education, health and care (EHC) plans and reviews.

Review targets with pupils before each review meeting

Sit down together and talk to them about their targets. Flip through their book and point out where they've improved and where they may need more work. Then, ask them if they think they've met their targets and what they think they should be focusing on next Suggest that the pupil takes you on a tour of the school, showing you how they feel in different places. You’ll get insight into how a pupil feels throughout the day, and what their environmental triggers are Ask the pupil to take photos of places, people and objects