SLT meetings: guidance and agendas

Read our tips on how to make the most out of your senior leadership team (SLT) meetings. Plus, download our template for taking minutes.

Last reviewed on 15 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2457
  1. Make the most of your team's time
  2. Prepare an agenda 
  3. Keep the meeting focused 
  4. Download our template for minutes 

Make the most of your team's time

Make sure you're getting the most out of your meeting time with your leadership team by getting their input.

Find out what works best for your team

Ask how everyone prefers to work and take their answers into account as much as you can. For example:

  • Is there a time of day/week that suits you?
  • Would you prefer short, frequent meetings or a longer meeting less regularly?
  • Would you rather be updated on small issues by email instead?

Agree on how meetings will function

Use a process called 'contracting' to help set expectations. Make sure everyone:

  • Understands how you'll conduct meetings
  • Agrees on how you'll all behave
  • Agrees on how you'll communicate
  • Agrees on how you'll prepare for meetings

I will read any notes circulated beforehand, and make sure everyone has time