Support your team's professional development and training needs, with live, practical leadership courses, statutory eLearning courses and video case studies from working leaders.
Editor's pick
People management: build buy-in as you step up
How to get your team onside, even when you feel like an imposter, and tackle the most worrying HR issues with confidence. Part of our 'New to headship' series.
Explore this course
Most popular in CPD
Survive and thrive as a new deputy headteacher
NPQ-trained but still feeling green? Get DH-confident and know exactly what to do if you have to step into your head’s shoes.
Health and safety for teachers and TAs
Essential training for teaching staff on the most common health and safety risks, including school trips.
Ofsted inspection staff briefing
Download our briefing presentation and handout to prepare your staff for an Ofsted inspection
Build practical leadership skills, support your statutory training needs and tap into proven approaches, with The Key CPD
Practical leadership courses
Live, social learning for leaders at all levels that gives you the deeply practical skills you normally only get from years in the job
Statutory eLearning courses
Help your school meet its statutory requirements, with online courses designed with the school context in mind
Video case studies
Bitesize on-demand videos from practising school leaders sharing what they know works
Plus, get even more CPD support for your whole school, from across The Key:
Our biggest library of guidance, templates and checklists, model policies and more.
Effective eLearning, factsheets, scenarios and more, designed for your DSL and wider school community.
Practical leadership courses and statutory eLearning to cover your training essentials.
Resources and tools to help your board play its strategic role with confidence.