How to develop, monitor and evaluate a CPD programme

Find out how to create a CPD programme that meets the needs of your staff and your school. Learn how to write a CPD action plan, monitor your CPD, and use our template forms to collect feedback and evaluate the programme's impact.

Last reviewed on 10 February 2025
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2526
  1. 1. Identify the needs of your school and your staff
  2. 2. Choose or design effective CPD to meet those needs
  3. 3. Create a CPD action plan
  4. 4. Discuss the plan with your staff
  5. 5. Monitor progress and evaluate impact
  6. 6. Capture and share your findings
  7. 7. Record staff participation

1. Identify the needs of your school and your staff

School needs

Identify and review your school’s priorities, targets and goals. Look at:

  • Your school improvement plan (SIP)
  • Subject action plans 
  • The size and suitability of your school to run CPD
  • Ofsted inspections, or monitoring report recommendations
  • Learning walks, lesson observations or staff meeting findings
  • Emerging needs at your school – e.g. if a key staff member is retiring soon, leaving a skills gap
  • Emerging needs of your school community – e.g. increasing numbers of pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) might mean more staff need relevant training

Staff needs

Ask teachers to complete skills audits – e.g. on a specific topic or against the Teachers’ Standards Survey staff about their individual CPD needs and career aspirations – download and use our staff development needs and career aspirations survey, below  Identify development needs during the appraisal cycle Ask department leads to talk