Sick pay entitlements: teachers

Learn about sick pay terms for teachers, including who the Burgundy Book terms apply to and what they cover.

Last reviewed on 1 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11146
  1. Who's covered under the Burgundy Book rules?
  2. The Burgundy Book: key points
  3. What happens when a teacher …

Who's covered under the Burgundy Book rules?

The 'Burgundy Book' is the National Conditions of Service for School Teachers in England and Wales. It:

  • Covers teachers in maintained schools
  • Is a national agreement between teacher associations and local authorities (LAs)

Download a copy of the Burgundy Book from the NEU's website.

Academy staff employed at the time of conversion from a maintained school keep their existing Burgundy Book terms on sick pay, under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (TUPE) regulations.

Academies and free schools: you can choose to set your own terms and conditions for new staff, or renegotiate terms and conditions for existing staff. You’ll also need to clarify whether teaching service accrued in the maintained sector counts towards sick pay entitlements.

  Does the Burgundy Book apply? Community Yes Foundation No* Voluntary aided In most cases – check your contracts Voluntary controlled Yes Academy (staff under TUPE from community