Part-time staff: attending INSET days and meetings

Understand guidance around a part-time staff member attending meetings, including parents' evening and training events such as INSET days. See the rules for teachers and support staff, and read union advice.

Last reviewed on 18 October 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 10878
  1. Teachers employed under the STPCD
  2. Teachers not employed under the STPCD
  3. Support staff
  4. Pro-rata meeting requirements for part-time staff

Teachers employed under the STPCD

The School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) sets out the terms of employment for certain teachers.

Days when the teacher usually works

On any day that a part-time teacher usually works, they can be required to undertake work that is "beyond that specified in the school's timetabled teaching week", as long as it's within their allocated directed time (page 84, section 3, paragraph 84).

However, part-time teachers should not have a greater proportion of their directed time allocated outside their normal sessions than full-time teachers do (section 3, paragraph 86).

When arranging meetings or other activities outside school sessions, try to avoid situations where part-time teachers are subject to directed time either side of a period when they're not required to be available for work.

Find out more about directed time and how to organise it.

Part-time teachers