Headteachers: calculating pay ranges

Learn how to set pay ranges for headteachers, including executive headteachers, and use our calculator to find the right headteacher pay group for your school. Read guidance on how you should set pay differentials, how to pay those in an acting role, and when you can change pay ranges.

Last reviewed on 19 December 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11014
  1. Understand the leadership pay range
  2. Setting pay for new appointments
  3. Reviewing pay ranges for existing roles
  4. Setting pay differentials between the leadership team 
  5. Paying those in an acting role

The School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) sets out pay and conditions for teachers in maintained schools. The STPCD also applies to teachers whose employment transferred to an academy at the point of conversion.

Academies and free schools are free to determine their own pay and conditions for new staff, or renegotiate pay and conditions of existing staff, but they may choose to follow the STPCD. If you don't follow the STPCD, consult your contracts and pay policies to find out how leadership pay is determined.

Understand the leadership pay range

For full details of the pay ranges, including ranges for London and fringe areas, see our article on the