Managing appraisal

  • Appraisal: 360-degree feedback forms
    Download our template forms to gather 360-degree feedback for staff and headteacher performance reviews, and save yourself time if you're making your own.
  • Appraisal: stages of the cycle
    See the key phases of the performance management cycle as suggested in the DfE's guidance and model policy for teacher appraisal. Plus, get advice on setting objectives and how to monitor and review teacher performance.
  • Appraising staff on maternity, paternity and adoption leave
    Understand your legal responsibilities for performance managing teachers on maternity leave. Plus, get tips on how to schedule meetings and set appraisal targets for staff on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave.
  • Line management meetings with middle leaders: guidance and agendas
    Effective meetings with middle leaders will enable you to track progress and manage issues. Read expert advice on how senior leaders can prepare for and hold line management meetings, and download an example meeting planner for the academic year.
  • Performance management: checklists
    Share our checklist with your line managers so they know what’s expected of them. Plus, audit your whole-school performance management procedures, so you can make sure you're compliant.
  • Staff appraisal and capability: requirements and guidance
    Get an overview of your requirements for appraising teachers and support staff, and see a case study of a staff-led approach to teacher appraisal.
  • Teacher appraisal reports: template and guidance
    Understand what teacher appraisal reports need to contain and how to complete them, and download our template report to use to review your teachers' progress and objectives.
  • Teacher on a page: template
    Use our 'teacher on a page' report to track a teacher's performance across an appraisal cycle.